-STYLE - 12303 - Blk - 100%New - 五年保養中 - 2025年Date - 保養至2030年 - 黑面 - 有日期 - 34mm - HK$14,000
AE / 匯豐 / 恆生 / 中銀 / 渣打 / 東亞/ 中信 / Citi Bank 分期 ***$ 438 x 36期***AE / VISA / MASTER / CUP (2.5%)手續費
歡迎查詢 :+852 6808 8810 / 6390 8880 / 6890 888 6693 2188 / 6898 8682
Tudor STYLE 12303 Blk 100%New
Shop 1 : 金鐘夏慤道海富中心商場一樓21號鋪 (金鐘A出口)
Shop No.21 on 1/F of The Podium Admiralty Centre No.18 Harcourt Road Hong Kong
Shop 2 : 尖沙咀麼地道63號好時中心09號地舖 (尖沙咀P2出口)
Unit No.9 on Ground Floor Houston Centre No.63 Mody Road Kowloon Hong Kong
Shop 3 : 深水埗深之都一樓 89-91舖 (深水埗D2出口)
Shop 89-91 1/F Metro Sham Shui Shum Shui Po Kowloon Hong Kong
~因價格浮動,有意購買,請聯絡店員查詢:Whatsapp +852
6808 8810 / 63908880 1 6890
8882/ 66932188~
~ Due to the price fluctuation, if you are interested in buying, please contact the store staff for inquiries: WhatsApp +852 6808
8810 / 6390 8880 / 68908882
/6693 2188~
~ Our company does not have online or phone reservations for the goods sold. If you want to keep the goods, you need to order on a first-come-first-served basis. For details, please contact our staff for inquiries~